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Shopping in Mfuwe is a very personal and fun experience and we thought it fun to share the experience with you and have attached a few short video clips.The main shopping street of Mfuwe, actually the only shopping street being the main drag of the town consists of the following:

  • Ladies in their stalls selling seasonal fruit and vegetables which are surprising pricy relative to the cost of living in the area
  • One pharmacy which stocks basic items no actual medicines
  • Multiple bike repair shops as that’s the number one form of transport in the area
  • Mobile phone shops for recharging and selling very basic handsets
  • Hardware store
  • Video store which stocks the strangest collection of movies
  • Endless hairdressers as the ladies have their hair braided and men go for a number 1
  • Heaps of second clothes stores and I am yet to find a new clothes stall
  • Pump station being the local servo
  • Our most visited store the famous Mayana which sells alcohol, general food and personal supplies
  • Heaps of small bars that play very loud Zambian music and sell Mosi to the locals

It takes a few minutes to drive through and we always receive heaps of waves from all our Flatdogs Camp staff which is very loving.
Zambians are quite religious so there are a lot of churches in the area and there are many public schools for the kids in the area.

Click here to download a movie of shopping in Mfuwe Shopping in Mfuwe Plaza

If you are wanting anything else there nearest town is Chipata 2 hours away by road or the capital is Lusaka which is 11 hours by road or 1.2 minutes flying.
My old life of retail therapy and enjoying green tea and yummy vego food with friends and family is missed though the benefits of life here far out way what we had back in Sydney.

Life is simple here and you appreciate the Lodgistcs delivery truck from Lusaka on Sundays that comes into the camp full of anything from washing detergent through to brake pads for the safari vehicles, thank you Marcus!